About Us
Perspective of our Chairman:

Jawahar Bharathi Education Trust
International outlook, democratic ideals and the potentialities are the inspiring force behind the successful growth of our institution. In the modern world, there is no career without knowledge and no knowledge without education. Education plays an important role in moulding and preparing youngsters to face challenges of the future. In the changing context of globalization it is education that can catalyse the process of transformation to bring about the desired changes within the individual and society. Teacher education programme is a fundamental component of any successful education programme. Keeping this in view our institution undertakes to evolve efficient and competent teachers for the cause of quality education. An humble effort is made by the personell of our institution to train our students by providing opportunities to develop the required competencies and skills in order to meet the challenges of the profession. All the more we are aiming to cultivate an international perspective in our students with service mindedness so as to contribute in the magnificent edifice of knowledge.
Jawahar Bharathi Education Trust
Our Inspiration

Late Smt. M. Baby
Founder Secretary
Quest for human excellence
Our Mission is to provide sustainable qualitative value based teacher education to meet the needs of the society, parents and stake holders in the current challenging social and educational system.
Excellence in competencies and value based teacher education
- To introduce the prospective student teachers to the fundamentals of education through various papers prescribed in B.Ed. course.
- To equip the student teachers to acquire competencies and skills required for effective teaching and become reflective practitioners.
- To acquaint the student teachers with information and communication technology and its application in teaching and learning in 21st century.
- To draw out the innate talents of student teachers through various curricular and co-curricular activities.
- To empower student teachers to develop rational thinking and scientific attitude.
- To sensitize the student teachers and teacher educators towards the social realities, issues and challenges.
- To promote capabilities for inculcating and integrating value based education in schools.
- To encourage student teachers for community participation and social service through various community based activities.
- To provide placement services to the student teachers so as to help in their career establishment.
- To produce efficient teachers as human resource who can promote healthy citizenship contributing towards national development.

Dr.S. Juno

Mr. S.Sunil

Mr. S. Bajore

Dr. Sida