Click here to see the Gallery
of Sri Rajiv Gandhi Hospital
& Kamala Institutes of Nursing |
Last date of Admission to the
Nursing Course is on 30th Sept 2010 |
Merit List of the selected candidates
for admission to the Nursing
Course during
2009-10 |
College Rules & Timings |
- The students who are not staying with their parents shall stay in the college hostel as per college rules to maintain good discipline.
- The students selected for admission to the course shall pay the tuition fee and other college fee as prescribed from time to time. The fee once paid shall not be refunded.
- All students admitted to the course shall pay refundable security deposit as prescribed by the college authorities before the commencement of the course and the same will be refunded after the completion of the course.
- Hostel students shall pay caution deposit to the Hostel as prescribed by the concerned authority and the same shall be refunded after the completion of the course.
- Student who discontinues the course from the institution shall pay the college tuition fee and other fee for the entire course except in the case of mutual transfer.
- Student shall get minimum 85% of attendance in each subject to appear the examination. The head of the institution may condone 10% of attendance on medical grounds.
- The student who wants to take leave shall get prior permission from the concerned HoD and the Principal.
Students shall maintain the labs, classrooms, library, and buildings of the college and hostel neat and without any damage, breakage and nuisance.
- The students shall pay the annual tuition fee and the college fee within the prescribed time by the college authorities every academic year for a period of 4 years.
- No student shall directly or indirectly participate, involve or commit any illegal activity including nuisance in the college, hostel or in any public place.
- Any student who is found indisciplined will be terminated from the college after intimating the parents concerned.
- Any student who violates the rules and discipline of the college and hostel is liable to be punished as decided by the college authorities.
- No student shall commit any offence punishable under law including Ragging, Riot, Strikes, etc.,
- All the students shall wear the college uniform in the labs and class compulsorily
- The students shall participate in sports & extracurricular activities, as and when it is arranged by the college authorities.
The management is empowered to make or alter any Rules of the college at any time.